About neoTerrapin.com
neoTerrapin.com was born out of a labor of love. The Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin sp.) is truly a unique creature. I initially created a website in the early 2000's as a means to showcase its beauty and to educate the public regarding the plight of this secretive turtle. "neo" is derived from the Greek word "neos" which means a new and different form. Wild populations of terrapins are dangerously stressed from different environmental and commercial factors and should be left alone. Yet the demand for terrapins in exotic animal circles has not waned as it once did as a gourmet food item. This necessitated the emergence of a new form of terrapin: one cultivated for its beauty rather than its taste, one that is adapted to captive conditions and surpasses wild terrapins in aesthetic appeal.
Keeping and breeding terrapins is my passion but remains just a hobby so all hatchlings on this website are offered as surplus hatchlings in compliance with federal regulation Title 21 CFR 1240.62 Turtles intrastate and interstate requirements section (d), subsection (2):
(d) Exceptions. The provisions of this section are not applicable to:
(1) The sale, holding for sale, and distribution of live turtles and viable turtle eggs for bona fide scientific, educational, or exhibitional purposes, other than use as pets.
(2) The sale, holding for sale, and distribution of live turtles and viable turtle eggs not in connection with a business.
Stephen C